Friday, November 19, 2010

Trusty Chords

I am not going to preface anything I write with an explanation. A lot of these words would work well for various interpretations, so I will leave that open. This one is pretty straight forward anyway I guess.

So much of my life sits on the chord
The discord
the melody 
the lyrics to the song that constantly flows through my mind.
The strings
The strings call to me
With a rhythm and a flow I couldn't hope to replicate.
The drums
They beat within me
Breathing for me
and giving me life.
The songs sing for me
the words that I feel,
but can never say.
The simple rhymes 
that magically take
all of my pain away.
And to these songs I owe everything.
They are only words to a rhythm 
the strum of chords
the beat of a drum...
but they take hold of my heart
Who knows where I would be without them
The silence is the only sadness I cannot face.

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