Monday, April 18, 2011

So I haven't written things in about 2929834 years so here is this piece of crap to tide you over....

I am feeling delightfully macabre right now so this comes off as a junior high emo's scribbles in the back of a diary, but whatever.

I hurt.
In about 12 different ways.
My skin tears open and rearranges on my bones
in new and exceedingly grotesque fashions.
The blood inside instantly starts to boil
and my throat springs into action
making noises that are barely even recognizable as human.
My face leaks all of its anger and frustrations into a puddle on the floor
and I am standing in my own squalor.
I want this shit-
this flagrant failure of a facade of life to just stop.
I want to turn and run away from this.
This whole charade of being human
of flaunting my existence in front of images
of those that don’t anymore.
I want my six foot blanket and the earth surrounding me.
I want to leave this feeling in the daylight and hide
underneath the cover of darkness.
Because that is where I feel the most human.
Where no one else can see.
I still hurt.
The dull aches still sit quietly in the pit of my stomach,
in the core in my chest,
and the source of my wit.
I will wait here patiently
as I am sure this pain will finally do me in.


  1. "I want this shit"

    fuck, what a great line!!

  2. Thanks! To be honest, I don't even remember writing this.
