Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I am an expert at knowing
That I don’t know anything.
I stave off a state of ignorance by deciding that I have everything to learn
and nothing to lose.

We sit in our classrooms
and at our desks
in our quiet state of absent minded listening.
Hoping to absorb any fractions of the lessons being tossed to us.

I am an expert at knowing
that I don’t know what I am doing.
I watch the world flow around me.
Living like the world’s most boring 20 year old nothing.

We study and we try so hard to become scholars of our topics at hand.
Never realizing that claiming that we are all knowing,
tosses us right back into our own ignorance.
I know everything there is to know about knowing nothing.
I am an expert at being human,
but I get flustered by simple conversation.
I am an expert of how basic human speech takes place, but I cannot get my brain and mouth to cooperate.
I am an expert of unintentionally coded language.
I am an expert at being a student.
Every paper is handed back with red streaks all about.
More like disappointment than celebration.
I am the best at knowing what it is like to be on the edge of failure, after being at the peak of success.
I am an expert at being a female.
Yet I live like a male 10 years my junior.
I can outline the rise and fall of the zombie species. Even trace back the origin of the T-Virus.

I am an expert at these things
yet I still drown in my own ignorance.
After all of this I still know nothing.

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